i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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chryssa glasgow
POSTED ON Nov 18, 2020 15:32:09 GMT
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Ever Grande City - home of the Pokemon League, the final destination for all those who have bravely taken on the toils and trials of the region and seek something greater. The weather is warm. The sky is blue. And of course, as one follows the gentle, winding path through fields of sweet-smelling wildflowers, you will reach the famous Victory Road.

It's too bad some young debutante is crumpled in the middle of the path. One hand is arranged over her brow as if she just had a fainting spell, the other (oddly) draped over what looks like a modified sword scabbard. You might have actually seen her sitting up until you drew near, at which point she conveniently collapsed. How fortunate that you've arrived!

She seems to think so as well, since she animates with a stock-groaning-waking-up-from-unconsciousness sound as you approach and blinks around herself in wonder. "Heavens... where am I? Did I..." the girl asks in an overdrawn southern lilt, "By my daddy's broody prize hen, could it be...?" She shifts her skirts around herself, searching for something. "No! But that-- no, that would mean-- if it's true-- but wait-- My sweet-- NO!" She keeps looking, "My sweet and savory southern mama's precious Pokemon! They're all gone-- taken by that honey-eyed villain behind the waterfall!"    

The girl dissolves into loud sobbing meant to disguise a lack of actual tears, clutching her bonnet around her face. "I never thought... she could be so cruel... sob," She says the word 'sob', "She's stolen everything from me. Who, you ask?!" She shudders, drawing her arms close around herself as if it's simply too terrifying to say aloud. "The Champion. Bailey... Ooper."

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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON Nov 18, 2020 16:11:52 GMT
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zac ramsay

I wanna be like you-oo-oo
Evergrande city | mission 

It wasn't often that Zac encountered a fainted damsel on the road to the pokemon league. Almost never actually. Okay i'll level with you, this was the first time. So as he helped the wilting lily of a girl to her feet, he was overcome by all manner of pressing questions, like

'What do you mean Bailey Ooper attacked you and stole your pokemon?' and 'Are you sure you don't you mean Cooper?', and most pressingly 'Why are you wearing a bonnet?'

But it was rude to ask those kinds of questions of a lady, and from the look of this wild eyed heiress, she would definitely consider herself a most offendable woman.

So instead Zac settled on the ever faithful: "Are you okay?"
She began to respond in a conbination of soft, pitiable noises and some barely understandable foreign accent, and Zac nodded along, looking worried. Part way through the girl collapsed again, slowly, and Zac rushed to catch her, helping her back onto her feet. After this happened the third time Zac just lowered her to the floor and let het finish her monologue.

"I'm sorry to hear that?" He ventured, pretty sure that he had the broad strokes of the story. He had come to Ever Grande after hearing that a rogue trainer was attacking challengers on their way to Victory Road and stealing their pokemon.
A most disgusting crime indeed, but to hear that the Champion Herself was behind this egregious violation of league protocol? Zac could hardly stomach it, let alone stand it. 

"That Ooper has a lot to answer for." Zac said, clenching his fists as he looked up the shining, ivory towers of the league glinting at the top of the waterfall.
I bet she's up there right now, sitting on her throne of stolen pokemon and sneering down at this poor trainer. It's not her fault she was weakened by the intense, late-autumn sunlight.  

"It's time that Bailey Ooper was brought to justice. Which way did she run?"

NOTES: Ooper? I hardly know 'er!

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chryssa glasgow
POSTED ON Nov 19, 2020 1:08:13 GMT
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With a trembling finger that wavered down, down, away from the Pokemon League to point instead at the magnificent waterfall, Chryssa spoke. "There... behind the falls. She waits, preying on those who seek an easy route to the top!" Chryssa seized the front of Zac's shirt, threatening to fall down again. "I was lured in by the temptation of an easy victory, but she's too powerful. Don't go! Your Pokemon will surely crumple before her might!" 

Her facade was clearly that, but behind all the southern belle weeping and fainting hid something much more dangerous: genuine anger.

It had been-- let her check-- almost four hours since Chryssa Glasgow had lost to a Pokemon and subsequently been the victim of a Pokemon theft. Not all of them-- she'd stretched the truth a little there-- but certainly all the ones she'd been carrying at the time. That left her with an eerie white Corsola, a venomous Slowbro, and the sheath from her Honedge.

Losing Muir was the greatest blow, if she was to be honest. She wasn't sure why. An inanimate, more functional cane would have been more convenient. But the Honedge had represented a kind of security, a knowledge that she could still defend herself  if everyone else abandoned her. Of course, that security came at a price.

"You'll never defeat her! Those monsters she calls Pokemon..." Chryssa continued to lament, trying to stoke the man's training pride as she leaned on Muir's sheath and led him to the path at the entrance of the waterfall. A faint, psychic energy seemed to shimmer in the air there and the so-called southern belle seized the man's arm. If I'm touching him when we enter, I might make it through.  "Please, sir! Go back, and find us help!"

There was a reason no one had alerted the police about the situation already: pride. No sane trainer would admit, having come to challenge the Elite 4, that they had been bested by a monkey and had their strongest Pokemon confiscated. Chryssa had already tried to sneak back into the waterfall and reclaim her lost Pokemon, but with her team of only two, a strong psychic barrier had prevented her.

It seemed that Bailey Ooper only accepted 6-on-6 challenges. 

So she'd come out here to wait for a strong trainer on their way to Victory Road - someone with a strong chance of beating that ape, assuming they could get beyond the fact that it was impersonating the current Champion. Lo and Behold, a giant of a man with flaming red hair had appeared before her, and with this champion of her own Chryssa could now seek revenge.

Beneath her bonnet, her eyes gleamed. She couldn't wait.

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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON Nov 19, 2020 1:49:48 GMT
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zac ramsay

I wanna be like you-oo-oo
Evergrande city | mission 

As Chryssa led Zac to the entrance under the waterfall, he puffed up, feeling himself swell with pride and protective instincts. Real trainers help others. He thought, resolutely. CAN help others. 

They were a thin, rocky spur of path that forked off the main road, leading out just under the water level towards the crashing wall of water. The pair tread slowly, following the barely submerged path out across the streaming pool. Zac pulled up short a few feet from the waterfall. He put out his hand. There's something here. Something in the air.

There was a tangible, psychic barrier stopping him from moving forwards. He could feel the presence even from out here. There was something of immense power inside the cave, and they knew he was here. I didn't know Bailey was a psychic user. 

The presence spoke then. Sort of. It communicated with feelings and understanding. Pure connection as opposed to something as simple as language, and in an instant Zac knew what it wanted. 

He saw twelve shadowy forms clashing in a arena cavern, six versus six, battling for either supreme victory or crushing defeat. For all the marbles.

For Pokemon.

Zac swallowed. Was he ready? It didn't matter really, did it. This girl needed him, and he was here, he was this far, and he was a trainer dammit

He nodded, accepting the terms, and the psychic pressure eased. Zac walked forward, passing through the barrier. It was like pressing face-first through cling film, and as he passed out the other side his ears popped. 

Spray soaked his clothes from the thundering wall of water, until something pierced the waterfall, drawing it apart like halves of a curtain and revealing the way inside. 
Zac crossed the last few steps of washed stone and stepped into the cavern beyond. Chryssa followed, and together they made their way down a natural stone corridor that emerged into...well, into an arena.

Bounded on three sides by craggy rock formations and on the fourth by a dark pool of deep, cave water, this was the place Zac had seen in Bailey Ooper's psychic invitation.
It was almost regulation size, like a gym battle, only the surface was far from up to code, marked with deep divots and massive stalec...pillars that were almost as wide as Zac was. They broke up line on sight, and would be excellect cover. Perfect for Zappa to hide behind. Zac noted. 

A mental tap on the shoulder pulled Zac's attention to the far end of the cavern, where a squat, lumpy figure wearing aviators sat on a rock chair. It fanned itself, smiling a too-wide grin that revealed about twenty more teeth than Zac thought necessary. 

"Oo-ooper!" Said the Champion, and she held up her first pokeball in a dangling, overhand grip, like a claw machine barely holding onto a prize.

Zac reached for his own first pokemon: Zappa, of course. He looked over to Chryssa. Would she be joining him in the battle? He had assumed they would be fighting together for some reason, but she didn't have any pokemon, did she?

NOTES: [This monkey] doesn't look like
[The Champion], but I don't know enough about [Bailey Opper] to dispute it.

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chryssa glasgow
POSTED ON Nov 19, 2020 15:54:58 GMT
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There was a long, strained moment where Chryssa didn’t know whether she would make it through the barrier. She felt it combing her body like an airline scanner, lingering on the empty Honedge’s sheath, encircling the two Pokeballs she had fetched from the PC. Come on, you Fool of an Ook, Chryssa thought fiercely, grip tightening on Zac’s arm. Look at him, not me. Look at his Pokemon. Look at what you could take. 

And she felt the presence shift to Zac. After a tense pause, the curtain parted. Chryssa let go of him immediately, hobbling ahead to take the lead as they entered the bitterly familiar battle chamber. Nothing had changed since the last time she was here, Chryssa thought— nothing except the blue-tasseled blade driven into the stone on the far wall.


But wait. She had to wait, or Bailey Ooper would telekinetically hurl her back out of here as easily as she had when Chryssa had first lost their battle. It was against her nature, but Chryssa couldn’t take the stage just yet. She’d been permitted inside on a technicality, as a witness to the epic battle taking place. And Chryssa could only hope this trainer, this red-haired Adonis, was prepared to face the Champioo-on.

“Who, me?”  She drawled when Zac looked back at her, irritation prickling through her. I’m a wilting damsel, of course I don’t have any Pokemon to join him with, she thought, dismissing the possibility her acting might not have convinced him. She needed to save Blaire and Lachlan for her stealth assault. “Why, I am but a lowly woman fallen on hard times— oh for god’s sake, watch out, it’s coming!”

The girl broke off her southern facade as a horned, helmeted steel head surged towards the ceiling, an Aggron landing with a thunderous boom. It was a marvelous entrance, and it was even Chryssa’s second time to see it. <ROCK TO-OOMB, AGGRO-ON,> a feminine, Bailey-ish voice seemed to hoot somewhere from the back of Chryssa’s skull.

Small stones around the cavern shuddered, falling towards the center and whipping into a small storm. The same Rock To-oomb, Chryssa realized as the monstrosity charged, its sharpened horns and skull-plate glowing brightly as it surged directly into a second attack. It’s doing exactly what it did last time. And last time, it knocked my Lapras out in one hit.  Unable to switch, unable to move, the incoming Iro-on Head had obliterated her strongest Pokemon before she even had a chance to finish her first monologue.

But an idea was growing in Chryssa’s head. If she could predict its movements, she could pinpoint the right moment to take action without fear of detection. Of course, in the meanwhile, the man was the one who would actually have to defeat it. But that was why she’d chosen him as her Champion, wasn’t it? She was confident in his skill.

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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2020 2:27:07 GMT
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zac ramsay

I wanna be like you-oo-oo
Evergrande city | mission 

"Go get 'em Zappa!" Zac said, tossing his pokeball out into the arena.
It landed strangely on the uneven floor, bouncing and opening in midair to release his Heliolisk. Zappa looked around the cave, his frill emanating a yellow glow, like sunlight on sand. 

There was a colossal CRUNCH as Ooper sent out Aggron, shattering a section of the cave floor. The iron giant stormed across the cave, smashing against pillars with its metallic bulk as it tracked Zappa's glow.
It spotted the little lizard in earnest and roared, a sound like two tractors colliding in slow motion.

Chunks of rock tore free from the ceiling, plummeting towards Zappa. 
"Get out of there buddy!" Zac called, but the lizard was already moving, zipping between pillars as Aggron followed it's light, dropping a trail of boulders in Zappa's wake. 

"Keep running mate! Don't let him catch you." 
Zappa didn't need this advice, and he climbed up one of the pillars, out of Aggron's reach.
Heliolisk's glow intensified as it drew in light, sucking in the luminance from its surroundings. Zac's electronic lantern blinked out, and did the background glow of Ooper's psychic aura.

The cavern was thrown into darkness. Filled only with the grinding sound of Aggron's movements. 
Then, lightning crashed, out from Heliolisk's frill. For a moment the scene was illuminated in harsh white light. Zappa perched upside down on the pillar, a bolt of electricity busting from his mouth and jumping straight for Aggron's metal body.

Darkness again, and a roar from Aggron. 
Light returned to the cavern, and Zac saw that the attack had only scored a thin burn up Aggron's chest, more a welding line than a wound. 

Ooper pull another pokeball from the folds of her purple champion's poncho. <TO-OGEKISS!> it thought, the word echoing inside Zac's skull. <PLAY RO-OUGH!>  It commanded, and Zac cought a glimpse of shining white feathers as the pokemon soared around the cavern, diving in to harry Zappa, who was clinging to the pillar. Zappa hissed, spraying electricity at the swooping Togekiss and keeping it at bay.

Down below, Aggron charged into the base of the rock formation, shattering the bottom half and sending Zappa scuttling further up and onto the ceiling.

Zac cringed, watching as Togekiss darted in again and again, seeking an opening.
"Hang in there!" He shouted, scrabbling in his bag for a second pokemon.
I'm always behind in this battle. Always on the defensive. Well it's time to attack. Zac's hand closed around his target. and he pulled out the ball, tossing it far into the cave, aiming to get as close to Aggron as possible. 
"Get in there Shin! Smash that metal monster!" 

Rhydon hit the ground running, fists glowing as he tore towards Aggron. Shin hated being late to a fight. 

Okay. A 2v2. I can do this.

NOTES: [This monkey] doesn't look like
[The Champion], but I don't know enough about [Bailey Opper] to dispute it.

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chryssa glasgow
POSTED ON Nov 25, 2020 13:02:01 GMT
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Power met power, and the two monsters collided with arms locked, muscles straining, tails lashing like huge serpents. The Aggron met the Rhydon head-on, pulling the beast closer. Its arms were a steel trap, its grip unbreakable. Its shoulders bowed, neck arching. The two were evenly matched in size and power, but the Aggron had reach. In a head-to-head contest, only one of them had horns

Three flashes of bright steel. One on the right. One on the left. And the deadly point of the center, merciless blue eyes at cruel acute angles.

Chryssa let out her breath, eyes darting to the man beside her. Bit by bit her facade continued to flake away. She could have told him the Iron Head was coming. She could have told him those horns had cut her Lapras down like a straw doll, that she’d heard his body hit the stones. 

“You’re slow,” the girl said instead, and the accent was gone from her voice. Her eyes were hard, the humor fading, and in two wobbly steps she crossed the distance between them, tilting her head to look up into his face. Unbelievably slow. Be smart. Be specific. We don’t have the luxury of wasting time.”

The tip of one finger hovered in front of his chest, just short of touching him. For a moment she was a general, not a teenage girl. “For every turn that ends, every strategy that succeeds, Bailey Ooper is going to send out another Pokemon. If you start losing now, you’ll never recover.” Or was she the one wasting time, giving her so-called hero advice when the odds were against him? She had to make her move.

Above Zappa, the white raptor circled, hungered, dove with claws outstretched. Like the eagle and the snake, it hunted Zappa as the Helioptile twisted around and around the pillar, its flight unhurried, its orders imminent.

<TO-OGEKISS, SKY ATTACK,> hummed the omnipresent voice, an eerie impression of the true Champion, and the Togekiss dove at Zappa to lift him high, spiraling towards the cave ceiling in a ribbon of pale feathers. It had spelled the end for Chryssa’s Kricketune, but perhaps the electric-type would be more lucky. Perhaps.

Next to Zac, Chryssa tapped her wrist.

Its name thundered in their collective psyche as a jangle of scales crashed into being, a lance of red light. <KO-OMOO-OO-O, I CHOO-OOSE YO-OU!> The Oranguru raised a meaty hand, the dragon’s Pokeball floating back to the Champio-on’s fist. Bailey Ooper’s lips flipped back in a smile like a skull and she pushed down her aviators to look at Zac over the top of them. You can try and stop me, it seemed to say. Why would you succeed, little man, where so many others failed?

“I suppose I’ll buy you time.” Chryssa’s light tone broke the stare-off and the girl swept off her bonnet, revealing a pair of Pokeballs inside. She looked up at Zac, eyes feverishly bright. “Don’t disappoint me! I’m counting on you.” There was a flash, and a bleached, hazy-looking Pokemon appeared, its body staked with broken coral horns. Haze, Blaire. For as long as you can. Go!” 

Bailey Ooper’s eyes swept to her accusatorially, the Champion lifting a psychic-wreathed hand to point at her— but mist suddenly snaked around the girl, wreathing her in a hazy shroud as a cloudwall rolled forth across the battlefield. <YO-OUU!> Her voice came, furious, but with nothing to see, there was nothing to fight. Bailey Ooper settled back, aviators sliding back into place. It didn’t matter. Her strategy would still prevail—and she didn’t need to see to do it.

White smoke boiled from every hole and pore of the Corsola, covering the battlefield in a shifting cloud of seaspray. The creature closed her eyes, wobbling slightly where it sat by Zac’s feet as she struggled to keep the smokescreen going. <Cooooor!> she cried, finally petering out, and teetered onto her side. Around Zac, the Haze began to clear.

Chryssa was gone.

mission details 


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Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2020 2:39:42 GMT
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Battle Guru
Ever Grande City | Mission


"You're slow. Unbelievably slow. Be smart. Be specific. We don’t have the luxury of wasting time.”

It was a harsh blow to Zac's pride, but a necessary one. Delivered moments before the girl had disappeared. In a puff of smoke, no less. There was something magical about Chryssa, in a very real sense. She made Zac wonder where the studio audience was hiding. 

She's right, i'm too slow. Zac thought, grinding his teeth in frustration. It was hard enough keeping the whole battle in perspective without being chided for his lack of skill. I'm not going to get faster halfway through a battle. So what's the point in telling me off?

Togekiss disappeared into the darkened cave ceiling, a puff of silver feathers glinting in the recesses and promising a glorious return. 
Aggron slashed at Rhydon, brutally leveraging his 3:1 horn advantage. Meanwhile, Zac hadn't even started to deal with the Kommo-o-o-o.

I'm slow. But...can I use that? Think Zac, think. If you're going to take too long, at least make it worth it. What's that pile of plates weak too? Dragon? Zac fumbled in his bag and grabbed out a new addition: Clawitzer

He hurled the pokeball, not at the marauding Kommo-o, but up high. It ricocheted off of a pillar, and Clawitzer appeared in a flash, wet, red light glistening off of shining scales.
"Hit 'im from above Busta!" Zac shouted, and there was a volley of concussive WHUMP WHUMP noises as the Clawitzer layed down a suppressive fire of DRAGON PULSES.
With a rushed, discordant clang the plated dragon hurled itself behind one of the pillars, letting the blasts slam into the rock, scorching it with dragon fire. 

Up above Togekiss glinted, claws and beak shimmering as the hunter prepared for its terminal descent. Can't run, it'll just follow. Zac thought, as the glow grew, a harsh white light to outshine Zappa's warm saffron. The lizard, for his part, shot ineffective blasts of lightning at the illusive Togekiss. 

It'll follow. Zac thought, his idea coming slowly. Follow. 
Togekiss dropped from the roof, gathering speed as it powered towards Heliolisk. "Zappa! PARABOLIC CHARGE at Aggron! Shin, turn around!"

Zappa merged with his lightning, the thick yellow bolt arcing across the battlefield towards the clashing titans. Togekiss followed, a streak of silver light hot on his tail. it only had eyes for Zappa. 

Rhydon roared, landing a crunching HAMMER ARM on Aggron's metal helm, denting the metal and seing the monster staggering back. 
Shin spin just in time. 
Zappa reaching the zenith of his parabola, shooting past Rhydon in a sizzling arc that sent him slingshotting back the way he had came. The silvery form of Togekiss was blindingly fast, but lacked the agility of the lizard.  

Shin may have been outgunned going hand to hand against the three horned Aggron, but one horn is more than enough to take out a bird. 

With a screech and burst of frantic wings, the Togekiss slammed straight into the ready horn of Rhydon.

And now it was a 3v2.

<DECIDOO-OOEYE!> came the psychic voice of Bailey Ooper, and suddenly the battle was equal again. 

Clawitzer uses Dragon Pulse
Rhydon uses Hammer Arm
Heliolisk uses Parabolic Charge
Rhydon uses Drill Run and knocks out Togekiss


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chryssa glasgow
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2020 12:41:13 GMT
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Ten seconds to cross the room, evading fallout from the fighting. Ten seconds for a girl who'd spent most of her life in a wheelchair to find her legs and go the distance. Ten seconds to prove how far she'd come, and how far she would go to get her Pokemon back.

...Of course Chryssa didn't do it. Why would she? She didn't have anything to prove. She just had something to win. By any means, by any methods. There was no such thing as honor in a rigged game, and so Chryssa didn't play by it. She had already lost this battle. But I can still win the war.

With care, and cunning, and a little bit of charm

Arms and legs held out in a stiff T-pose, surrounded by psychic energy, Chryssa touched down lightly on the far side of the cavern. Her Slowbro, Lachlann, remained standing on the opposite side of Zac where she'd left him. Psychic was normally used to slam the opponent down to deal damage, but she'd been practicing a gentler landing with the Galarian Pokemon, almost like she'd foreseen this situation.

"Bailey Ooper," Chryssa said levelly, and for a moment the ape was distracted. It turned and looked at her, the girl seeming to appear from the mists, still faintly shimmering with psychic energy. She took a step towards the Oranguru, holding her breath. "You know why I've come." She took another step. "The real reason."

She took a deep breath. 

"I'm not here for the battle. I'm here for you."

Back on the field, Shin the Rhydon would pay dearly for his victory. Aggron was not so easily distracted as its monkey master. Like the blade of an axe, the gargantuan creature turned, its tail glowing hot and heavy as a beam of steel. The Iron Tail whipped through the Rhydon like a punch to a paper cutout, sweeping him off his feet. Right behind it came Kommo-o in a blur of claws and fists, the dragon pummeling Shin before the creature could so much as hit the ground.

Close Combat would certainly do the job if Iron Tail hadn't, but the Kommo-o had willingly given the Clawitzer above an opportunity. Dragon Pulses showered down upon both Kommo-o and Aggron like a meteor rain. Aggron roared. throwing out its arms, shielding the smaller dragon Pokemon with its armored back. Even so, the goliath's endurance was fading. There was only so much damage it could take--

And then Decidueye was there, wings beating, talons stretching. A blade of green light was clutched in one feathered fist as the ghost-type slashed at Clawitzer with Leaf Blade, grass splintering from the weapon with each strike. It could see the sea creature's position was precarious-- if it fell from its perch, it would be difficult to regain the height advantage. A final strike targeted the stalactite, seeming to miss the crustacean itself. A shudder rippled through the rock, and a dark fracture traced itself like windblown ink across the base of the stone. 

"Ha. Ha. Haaaaa."

The evil laughter was unexpectedly real coming from a creature who communicated exclusively psychically. The final remnants of Haze cleared from the far edges of the chamber, revealing Chryssa Glasgow: seated on the Oranguru's lap, one hand draped adoringly around its neck. Behind her aviators, "Bailey Ooper" looked decidedly smug. 

"Did you ever wonder why," Chryssa called across the battlefield, her words telepathically amplified. "No one has caught this so-called Champio-oon? How she's become so powerful?"

She rubbed a little bit of the monkey's poncho between her fingers, gazing raptly up into the creature's face. There was a hunger in her eyes. "Why, it's because she's better than the real thing. Pokemon are always better than us humans. Instead of serving us, we should serve them." The Oranguru bobbed her head smugly.

Chryssa arranged herself more artfully, casting her eyes subtly around for a glimpse of her bag. There was nothing--only the sword in the wall. She would have to bide her time until she could grab it. "I was happy to lose, just for the honor of facing her," she called, twisting back to face Zac, "And now, you too will fall before her might! Can't you see? It's inevitable!" She threw back her head and laughed that same, terrible laugh, and the Oranguru joined in with deep oo-oo's to punctuate her revelry.

Like mirror twins, perfectly in sync, they each extended a mocking hand towards the trainer on the other side.

"Why keep fighting? Submit. Surrender now, and join us."

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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2020 6:52:36 GMT
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Battle Guru
Ever Grande City | Mission


"Why keep fighting? Submit. Surrender now, and join us."

What the heck? Zac thought, confused at the strange turn the situation had taken. There was too much happening and he couldn't focus dammit! 
The battle was turning for the worse. Worse, it was shifting quickly. Aggron had just taken out his Rhydon, and Decidueye was getting closer to pinning down his BOUNCING Clawitzer with every ethereal arrow.

And now he had to worry about...a betrayal?

Was that her real voice just now? Is she one of those undercover Rocket spies I keep seeing on the news? Zac thought to himself as he returned his fainted Rhydon. Or is she still on my side...somehow...playing the situation back the other way. A double-agent, or whatever. It was all so convoluted, and Zac didn't have the time to figure it out.

"You're slow. Unbelievably slow. Be smart. Be specific. We don’t have the luxury of wasting time.” 
The girl's words echoed in Zac's head as he grabbed in his bag for his fourth pokemon.

He was outnumbered. Behind. Again.  
Play for time Zac. You can't win by getting distracted.  

"Join what?" He asked the accent-less girl. "Your pokemon stealing scheme? And why would I do that?" 
There we go. That'll keep her talking. 

Zac tried to focus on the battle. Even in the moments it had taken to deal with girl the battle had evolved and it took him a second to figure out what was happening.
All three of Ooper's 'mon are grounded. I've got the height advantage. Zac realized, and he picked his next pokemon.
He tossed the ball behind a pillar, and there was a puff of fresh, clean air as Weezing appeared. A relatively recent addition to his team, but one perfect for area control.

"Hit 'em with a STRANGE STEAM buddy. Fill this whole battlefield!"
Glittering pink clouds billowed from Weezing's mouths and top hats, flooding the uneven cavern and enveloping Aggron and Kommo-o.

The weakened titans roared, and there was a jangle of plates as one of them collapsed somewhere in the steam. 

Rhydon Fainted
Zac sent out G!Weezing
Weezing used Strange Steam

Kommo-o Fainted



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TAG WITH @chryssa
chryssa glasgow
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2020 11:47:40 GMT
chryssa glasgow Avatar


Up above, where the Strange Steam had been too thin to do much damage, the Decidueye released a storm of razor-sharp foliage. The leaves pelted through the thin fog like a swarm of insects, seeking out the Clawitzer bouncing from pillar to pillar. The sound of leaf matter whistling through the air was drowned out by the din below, however.

A harsh clatter of plates sounded again  as the Aggron, befuddled by the mysterious cloud, slammed its horned head down into its already-fainted teammate. Or were they teammates? None of them actually came from the same team, after all. SLAM. Clatter. SLAM.  Kommo-o's body jerked on the stone, hammered again and again into the ground.

Bailey Ooper made no move to recall the fallen dragon, as she had not with the others. She merely held up another Pokeball, detaching herself from her human slave. <I CHOO-OOSE YO-OU,> the Oranguru's voice came, resonating deeply in their collective minds. Chryssa held her breath for another terribly hooted Pokemon name. <...DARMANITAN!> 

Ah. That was... surprisingly normal.

But Chryssa didn't have time to be surprised. She had a monologue to compose. "Join what? Join what?" The girl released a wild laugh, which Bailey Ooper joined her in. "This is far beyond the scope of theft or petty crime, trainer. This is the start of a revolution." 

Whether it was true or not, the ape made no move to contradict Chryssa as she went on, shrouding her words in zeal. She knew how to echo that sound of conviction. "Tell me-- tell us," she corrected herself, "Do you care for your Pokemon? You tend them, feed them... keep them dependent, keep them trusting." 

Chryssa counted on her fingers, though she knew Zac couldn't see her through the fog. Was there any chance he was working on a counter-strategy of his own? There was no way to tell, so she pressed on. "Then you send them out to fight your battles, and never fight for theirs." She spread her hands. "Well, it's time!"

Chryssa's voice rang out, and as it did, the sword in the wall flickered. A violet spark seemed to race down the edge of the blade. "It's time to change for the better. Right now, right here. With Bailey Ooper."

Pink steam boiled on the battlefield as no sooner was the Darmanitan released than Aggron came thundering through the mists, bellowing. Its steel horns glowed as it brought its head down on the red, flaming Pokemon like a maul splitting wood. The Darmanitan screamed as it fought back, seizing a horn in each fist and holding the roaring beast at bay. Its teeth gnashed as it used Thrash, sending the Aggron spinning and tumbling in a pile of limp limbs to the edge of the cavern. 

The howling didn't end. Darmanitan beat the floor of the cave with its fists, slamming into boulders. It searched for the glowing light of Helioptile in the strange pink fog, hunting for another body to break.

It was brutal. Feral. No trainer would battle like this, Chryssa thought, glancing up at Ooper's face. The real Champion certainly wouldn't. The ape's expression held no remorse or sympathy. She's not... human. 

...And she was preparing to send out her last Pokemon. Chryssa's heart sank as she realized what it must be. There's no way it could be the real-- But how did she know for sure? Could she take that chance?

<GO-O, GRO-O-->


Chryssa seized the psychic Pokemon's hairy arm, pulling it back before she could release the capsule. The Oranguru stopped, looking down at her over the tops of her aviators. Clinging to her poncho, Chryssa turned back towards the field, calling out towards Zac.

"You must see how one-sided the world is!" she called, "You use your Pokemon for their power, but would you ever consider letting them use you? Champion!" Bailey Ooper perked up as Chryssa stood, wobbling on her unsteady legs. Her heart beat quickly. I have to keep her from sending out that Groudon. If it's really here, it's all over.

"Let me serve you. Let me prove my devotion. Send me."

Embedded in the wall, the Honedge burned with fervent light.

mission details 

AGGRON is confused! It hurt itself in the confusion!


--What's This?

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Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2020 16:20:06 GMT
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Battle Guru
Ever Grande City | Mission


"Do you care for your Pokemon?"

The words came to him through the thin steam, as Zac struggled to see what his own team were doing. Chryssa and Ooper were still canoodling up on the throne, but the elevated platform at least had a little height. Zac pulled himself up a rocky pillar to try and get a view of the fight.

"You tend them, feed them... keep them dependent, keep them trusting."

    Well of course I do! I'm nothing without my pokemon. What is a trainer without his pokemon? Thought Zac, as he got above the steam just in time to a see a massive, flaming ape hurl the Aggron bodily into the wall. 
    In between the twin metallic crunches of Aggron's collision and fall Darmanitan launched itself after Zappa, moving with a speed that belied its bulk and pendulous arms. 
    The Heliolisk scuttled up the wall, firing half-formed bolts at its hunter. 
    Meanwhile, Busta was in a chase of his own, as Decidueye's return fire homed in on the bouncing crustacean, peppering the walls with bolts of ethereal greenery. 

    "Then you send them out to fight your battles, and never fight for theirs."

    Well that's not fair! How am i supposed to fight THAT?! What can I even offer? My strength? How can I compare to what my own Pokemon can do?
She's right in a way. Pokemon
are naturally superior to humans. That's why we use them for damn near everything. To do what we can't. What is a trainer without their Pokemon? Just a...person. 
You're doing it again Zac! Focus mate!
Zac berated himself. You're in your head when you need to be out on the battlefield!
    A shudder rocked the cavern arena as Darmanitan launched itself at the wall, crunching into the rock halfway up the wall. It dug into the stone with prying, humanoid fingers, and found holds. The beastly pursuer turned its whole torso, hanging from the created crag to search for Zappa. Zac opened his mouth to tell the lizard to run, but it was already halfway across the ceiling. "You're slow," her voice said again, the words still echoing in Zac head. "Unbelievably slow." And what would I say anyway? Zappa watch out? Does he even need me? He's been battling on his own this whole damn fight it seems!
    Trainers without their Pokemon are just people. But Pokemon without their trainers...are still Pokemon.
    Darmanitan threw itself after Zappa, but fell far short of its target. Meanwhile, Clawitzer was still evading the barrage of arrows.

    I need them to fight...but do they need me? 

    <RO-OTATE> Hooted Ooper, and the Darmanitan roared.
    It kicked off one of the pillars and colliding with Clawitzer mid air wrapping one meaty hand around the shrimp's firing claw and pinning it shut. The pair landed at the base of another pillar and Darmanitan slammed the helpless sea creature against the rock.
    Above, Zappa had stopped scuttling, confused by its pursuer's change of targets. Decidueye was ready though, and a dozen bolts of ghostly energy nailed the lizard the ceiling. Heliolisk let out a fading screech, and as the bolts dissapated his limp body fell from the roof into the cloud of pink steam. 

    "ZAPPA!!!" Zac screamed, and he ran into the smoke, only to fall back coughing, his lungs pounding with pain and his own muffled screams. What happened? They had been doing so well without me. Right up until...until their trainer stepped in. Zac had the immediate and almost irresistible urge to smash his head against the nearby rocks in frustration. I'm so bloody dumb.
"You're slow. Unbelievably slow."

He reached into his bag and pulled out five Pokeballs. he returned the fainted forms of Zappa, Busta, and Shin. Hitting Zappa's obscured form after a few tries. 
    It was just him and Weezing now, but he still had two Pokemon left. Wittingly or not, Chryssa had given him an opening, and if he acted fast- Zac grit his teeth -if he acted smart he might be able to maintain the numbers advantage for a bit too. It was only a matter of time before Ooper sent out her sixth Pokemon. She would be saving the best for last too.
   Her ace in the hole, and now was the perfect time.
   Just what was she waiting for?

Heliolisk Fainted!
Clawitzer Fainted!



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Eterna City, Sinnoh
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as flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport
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TAG WITH @chryssa
chryssa glasgow
POSTED ON Dec 31, 2020 9:01:27 GMT
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"Send me."

The utterance remained, ringing in the air. 

It's time to change for the better. Right here, right now. 

...What was she doing?

Distracting this dumb ape, she reminded herself as she stood before the Champio-oon, ready to step blindly onto a field composed of ghosts, monsters, and a literal hail of arrows. 

Would she really do it?

Ooper hadn't responded. It seemed the Oranguru wasn't sure how to deal with this new concept either. Sending out a human to fight would represent the ultimate subjugation, the ultimate display of dominance. For a creature who aspired to be the most powerful human, surely there would be nothing so satisfying.

On the other hand, Pokemon fought Pokemon for a reason. They were uniquely suited to doing so, and even an ignorant ape would know Chryssa was hardly a fitting match. Then again, Bailey Ooper was winning. Why should she use her trump card when she could gain a more symbolic victory? Darmanitan and Decidueye were still fresh, and Zac had just suffered a loss of not one, but two Pokemon.

I have to just do it, Chryssa realized, watching the Oranguru looking between her captive and her capsule, torn by her next move. I can't leave her that choice. 

"It's time," she said aloud, and stepped off the stone platform.

Something changed the moment her foot touched the battlefield. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end as a sound like splintering ice rent the air and she turned just in time to see Muir break itself from the stone and catch itself midair. Ooper made a strangled sound and whipped her head out of the way as the glowing blade came hurtling by pommel-first, blue tassel fluttering in the wind.

Without thinking, just by instinct, Chryssa reached into the air. Some part of her knew where it would be.

She caught the Honedge.

Then she turned on Bailey Ooper, silken blue fabric wrapping tightly around her wrist as if to brace it. For the first time, Muir was hers-- she felt no tug on her life force, no drain on her energy, no oppressive disapproval. The sword was alive in her hand, afire with strength, and for only the second time, she heard it speak.


Her Lapras, downed by Aggron. Her Kricketune, downed by Togekiss. Visions of her Pokemon lost from her prior battle flashed across her mind, of the Pokeballs floating away into the monkey's hands-- of even Muir, the weapon so stubborn it made a better cane than kitchen knife, wrenched from its sheath and cloistered greedily away.

Bailey Ooper had taken everything from her.

Chryssa took two steps and sailed up the stone dais, her body light. Muir shone she flicked it back, scattering light like liquid mercury, and for a moment she saw true fear in Bailey Ooper's eyes. She had no witty lines or dramatic reveals. She had no villainous banter.

She only had Muir, blue and baleful, and for once in Chryssa's life, it actually wanted to help her. 

No, that's not it. It wants me to help it. 

So she did.

The sword cut through the ape, no more difficult than breath, and scattered flower petals softly in its wake.

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Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON Jan 15, 2021 4:01:17 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar


Battle Guru
Ever Grande City | Mission


     Pink haze swirled around the pillars, obscuring Oscar and Oakley. Ooper's Darmanitan stormed through the mist, searching for more prey to break. Above, Decidueye flitted between shadows, bow nocked and ready. 
     Zac gripped his fifth Pokeball. "Give 'em hell Kev. They're not weak, but neither are you mate." He hurled the ball deep into the mist, and it burst with crimson light. An iron head with a jutting lower jaw rose above the steam. Kev looked around, beady red eyes searching the cave for his opponent. 
    An arrow snapped against his metal hide, and Kev turned. His jagged, snaking form ground against the cave floor, throwing up chips of stone and weak sparks, lighting the mist from within like clouded fireworks. 
    Decidueye nocked and fired in a single motion. The bolt shot from a darkened alcove in the roof of the cave and broke against Kev with a sharp report. Ha! Kev's too tough to be taken down by a few little arrows! Zac thought, and he grinned as another of the shots cracked uselessly against his metal monster. Kev slammed the ground with his body, breaking up the warped floor into chunks. He slapped one of the chunks with his tail, sending a boulder the size of a car flying towards the sniper's nest.     Decidueye leapt out of the way as the rock burst against the ceiling, showing the field in dust and pebbles. Kev hit more of the rocks at the fleeing archer, keeping him on the run. The owl sheltered behind a pillar, but Kev launched himself at the column, shattering it with a titanic headbutt that sent the Decidueye tumbling to the ground in an avalanche of broken stone. The bird didn't get up.
    However all the noise had alerted Darmanitan, and the confused creature leapt from the haze and landed on top of Kev's winding form. The ape hung on to Steelix's metallic juts, and sunk its flaming teeth into the body of the metal snake. The Steelix roared and rolled over, grinding its body across the fallen rocks. Darmanitan leapt free just in time, launching itself through the air with its powerful legs. It landed against the stone wall, humanoid fingers pulling at the stone as it carved a grip. It turned, eyebrows blazing and mouth gleaming with molten steel.
    "Kev! Get outta there buddy! Burrow and wait for my signal!" Zac shouted, and the Steelix into the cavern floor, shovel-shaped head digging a path down into the solid stone.
    Darmanitan leapt after it, following its Kev down into the hole in a rush of flames and gnashing teeth. "Kev! Get back out here!" Zac shouted, but Steelix was deaf to his commands. 
    The ground shuddered and buckled, and the pair burst back into the arena in a spray of molten steel. Darmanitan had torn huge chunks out of Steelix, stripping the metal coating from the rocky form underneath. Kev thrashed weakly, but Darmanitan was as lithe as ever and hurled away from the attack.  
    Zac returned Steelix. The Pokemon was still conscious, but he was unable to bear seeing it hurt so grievously. "I'm sorry mate. Never again," he whispered to the ball, and he slipped it into his inner coat pocket. He reached for ball number six, but Darmanitan was still on its rampage. The shattering of the arena had dispersed a lot of the steam, and the flaming ape had at long last spotted Oscar and Oakley. With a primal roar he leapt at the pair, slamming them to the ground and ripping into them with his metal-soaked mouth. They let out a last spurt of caustic gas and fell still. Zac swiftly returned them too, and was left staring down the unstoppable ape.   
      <ARRRRU-MAAAAAAAAN!> roared the ape. It's victorious call made Zac's blood boil, and stood his hair on end. "Oh yeah? Well it's not over yet! I've had enough of you damn monkeys today!" he roared back at the posturing Darmanitan, and with a mighty throw Zac launched his final Pokeball into the thickest part of the fading smog. 
    A single, bobbing orb of red light appeared. Occluded by the mist, it flickered like a candle carried by an unseen figure. Darmanitan looked over at the glow, which strengthened into a thin, sweeping beam, as if the candle was now enclosed in a lantern. The hellish light approached, its beam cutting through the haze and sweeping up, up, to rest on the face of Darmanitan. The ape flinched, squinting at the light. the lantern flashed, transforming the smoke into a cloud of sickly red. Nothing happened, and Darmanitan roared. <ARRRRU-MAAAAAAAAN!>
It called, spit and flame flying at the new challenger.
    A sphere of vibrant yellow crackled into being, orbiting its steady red brother. For the flaming ape this was the last straw, and taunted by the glowing, twisting lights Darmanitan launched forward. Jaws aflame, it gnashed down on the yellow sphere, which burst in the ape's mouth with a sound like a muffled thunderclap. Darmanitan's crimson fur exploded outwards in a stinking, gray puff, and the beast let out a howl of fury. It hurled itself toward the light, deeper into the mists. Club-arms swung at the light, ever missing, until suddenly it went out. 
    Lost in the mist, the shadows pressed in. The great ape whirled, eyebrows flaming. <ARUU-> the roar was cut off by a shrouded fist, which slammed into the back of the ape's head. Darmanitan's jaws clapped shut as he jolted forward, and he spun, fists swinging but catching only smoke. Another ghost fist struck from above, driving him down into the shattered floor.
    The ape started to rise, slats of stone sliding as he pushed himself up onto one elbow. The beast let out a ragged, steaming breath before he slumped, giving up. His eyebrows dim to charcoal, and he rested in the ruins of the cave.

Zac sent out Steelix
Decidueye used RAZOR LEAF
Steelix used SMACK DOWN
Steelix used ROCK HEAD
Darmanitan used Fire Fang
Darmanitan used Fire Fang
Steelix Fainted
Zac sent out Dusclops
Dusclops used Future Sight
Dusclops used Thunder Punch
Dusclops used Shadow Punch



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Eterna City, Sinnoh
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as flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport
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TAG WITH @chryssa
chryssa glasgow
POSTED ON May 24, 2021 6:04:16 GMT
chryssa glasgow Avatar


The end, like all endings, resolved with silence.

Oranguru, wreathed in flower petals. Darumaka, ashy gray and cold.

But silence was no resolution. 

"What can you do for your Pokemon?" Chryssa's voice came through the smoke and shadows, tone muted. She emerged, limping, sliding a bright blade back into its thin wooden sheath. "The same thing we can always do for each other."

She stopped before the red-haired giant, tilting her head to look at him.

"Have faith," she said simply.

The real endings came from answers. And if those answers were just good enough, they might spark new questions. New pursuits. And new beginnings.

Scattered rock shards from the battle crunched underfoot as Chryssa retrieved Bailey Ooper's fainted Pokemon. Togekiss. Aggron. Kommo-o. Decidueye. Darmanitan.

The last-- the Pokeball which had never been used, rolling from the Oranguru's lifeless hand-- Chryssa handed to Zac.

"I'm sure you can guess what this is," she said, eyes narrowed.

It can't actually be Groudon, she thought privately, Unless something happened to the real Bailey Cooper. Convincing and talented as this fake had been, Chryssa couldn't believe the Oranguru could actually command a Legendary Pokemon. 

So why couldn't I take that chance during the battle?

...Faith wasn't just about yourself, or your allies. You had to have faith in your opponents too.

How could you fight when you didn't even believe in what you saw?

Behind Chryssa, where she'd fallen, Bailey Ooper twitched. She sat up, one arm curled around the wound to her stomach, the other outstretched threateningly towards the pair of humans who'd defeated her. She panted, eyes bloodshot, telepathically shaping words.


The Future Sight drew near in a comet of divine justice. It struck like a bursting grenade, ejecting Bailey Ooper from the cave as surely as if someone had pressed a lever and unleashed a secret spring. 

Chryssa stood at the entrance to the waterfall, waving the disgraced Champio-on off with her discarded bonnet. Once the ape was out of sight, she secured the hat back on her head and turned back to her own private Champion-- a huge, red-haired nobody who'd run across her by chance, not by merit, yet proved himself where she could not.

"Thank you for your help. This is it for me, I think. I got what I came here for." The Pokemon Bailey Ooper had stolen were back in her hands, and more importantly, so was Muir. Alive. Adept.

Someday, she knew their goals would align.

"By the way," she said suddenly, turning back. "My name's Chryssa."

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